The Maritime Labour Convention was introduced by the ILO in 2006 and its purpose is to protect the rights of seafarers and to set minimum standards of working practices and welfare.
The MLC applies to all sea-going vessels which have paid seafarers onboard. The MLC applies equally to recreational vessels if employed crew are carried as well as all commercial vessels.
Whilst the MLC applies to all vessels which employ seafarers only those which are operating beyond 60 miles from a UK safe haven or those which are in international waters require a formal inspection and must carry an MLC Document of Compliance. Those vessels operating no more than 60 miles from a UK safe haven must still have in place the necessary elements to comply with the MLC but do not need any formal certification.
The UK MCA may issue an MLC Certificate which has a maximum 5 year validity but most Code vessels which require formal documentation require an MLC Document of Compliance by a Certifying Authority which has a maximum validity of 3 years.
As part of the MLC requirements are based on the operation of the vessel any Document of Compliance issued under the MLC would become invalid on change of owner or managing agent or charterer.
The MLC covers the following broad areas:
Ensures all seafarers have the correct medical fitness assessment.
Ensures that the vessel is properly manned.
Ensures all seafarers have a contract or agreement which covers wages, holidays and paid leave, termination of the agreement, free medical care, repatriation, shore leave.
Ensures that any recruitment agency complies with the MLC.
Ensures adequate hours of rest.
Ensures adequate ventilation, heating, lighting, sleeping arrangements, hot and cold water, toilet and washing facilities.
Ensures adequate recreational facilities.
Food and catering
Ensures adequate free food and water.
Ensures food is prepared by qualified persons.
health and safety
Ensures all hazards have been risk assessed.
Ensures there are provisions for making complaints.
Ensures ship owner has adequate financial security to repatriate seafarers who are abandoned.
Ensures ship owner has adequate financial security for compensation for death or injury.
medical care
Ensures adequate medical equipment aboard.
Ensures suitably qualified medical personnel aboard.
Ensures free provision of medical care abroad.
Ensures wages are paid on time.
Ensures there are no unauthorised deductions.
MGN470 contains the full list of applicable MSNs, MGNs and MINs. Click below to download this M Notice or click on the section below to download individual copies.
The MCA have issued a large number of guidance documents, forms and interpretations relating to the MLC which can be found here:
If you need assistance with any aspects of the MLC then contact us.